Liam Greenlee is an aspiring director/screenwriter raised in the Central Valley of California, currently studying film at Biola University in Los Angeles. Having spent time abroad living in West Africa, Liam is driven to discover the boundless stories surrounding his own life and those around him, with a passion to share his love of art, conversations, and the divine through film. He is excited to share the giantly collaborative work of friends, family, and the community of the Central Valley in his latest filmmaking endeavor; a story taking the cast and crew back to a warm summer night in Liam’s hometown, all the way back in 1958. Outside of film, his interests vary from writing and recording music, backpacking with friends, watching overly-pretentious French films, and eating bagels.
At the dawn of senior year in ’58, two teens are forced to face the skeletons hidden in the closet of their relationship while trapped in a car that for reasons unbeknownst to either won’t start…
Doors at 6; film at 7 p.m.
Tickets: $5
Cast & Crew
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