Modesto Youth Talent Showcase


Come and see many of our area talented youth perform and help a worthy charity at the same time. Five of our local groups will be performing at the State Theater on Sunday April 6 at 3 pm. We will showcase the excellence of five groups: VMI-rock band, The Dance Academy, Thomas Downey High School Knights Chorus, the Yes Academy and Ballet Folkorico.
The proceeds from the performance will go to the support the Homemaker Program which provides housekeeping services to deserving senior citizens so that they can remain in their homes. The program currently services 120 people with over 150 on the waiting list.
Please join us to have a fun afternoon and support our seniors!

Doors at 2; show at 3 p.m.
Special pricing for children 12 and under!

Additional Information

Run Time:
120 min


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